
Question of the Week!

By Sandy N - Publisher, Macaroni KID East Morris February 6, 2025

Do you ever wonder if it's just you? Or your kids tell you it's just you!

We are going to tackle some of the every day parent issues and see what Morris County thinks.  

This weeks question - At what age should you teach your children to cook? (We are thinking more than come back cookies)  Vote here

Check back next week to see if others agree with you and for our new Question of the Week.

Last weeks question - is it ok to allow kids a mental health day?

We heard you! You are all awesome.  You understand 100% sometimes our kids need a mental health day.   We hope you give yourself some of the same grace!

Two weeks ago question - Should kids be allowed to leave their room messy if they know where every is?

It was 66% no and 33% yes!   Thanks for voting

Do you have a question you want to know what people think?  Email with your thought. (Please note, submission of a question does not guaranty it will be shared)